July 2022 Wellness Resources

To truly thrive in our professional lives, we must have a deep understanding of our values and move accordingly. Given the many challenges that work can present, staying grounded in integrity is not always an easy task! Black women are often met with the expectation of proving our worth to folks who may never see us in our wholeness, but we know that it's our own compasses we must follow. That we must—as the late great Toni Morrison said—claim our own space as central, and let the world move over to where we are.

What tools and strategies can nurture self-trust and keep us connected to our intuition and our integrity through the twists and turns of work life? Che Abram's BlackFemaleProject story, "The Rules of Chesus," reminds us that when our toolbox is stocked, we'll always have ways to discern when and where to invest our energy, and which situations and spaces are not for us.



What do you carry in your toolbox that grounds you in your wholeness?


August 2022 Wellness Resources


Centering My Genius Reflections From Teacher Truth