The Art of the Pivot | COVID REFLECTION


COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of my life. However, it has most impacted my business and personal goals. I think we can all agree that this pandemic and the lockdown has made us all pay closer attention to what is most important to us. I entered 2020 with a goal to “level up” my business; to increase its brand and marketing to consumers and wineries. My event February Wine Crush Wednesday was a success! With over 20 people in attendance, I made the decision to open my own space. 

March 21 would have been the grand opening of The Artisan Pour Art & Wine Gallery. We, of course, were forced to adjust. We transitioned our wine tasting gatherings to virtual and found the Sippers were more expressive via screen than in person. We shared who we are, what we believed, and what we thought of what was happening in the world around us. There were tears, apologies, and affirmations of our Black Excellence. 

While on pandemic lockdown, I addressed another one of my business goals: I enrolled in Sonoma State University to pursue my Wine Business Management Certificate and I was selected as the 2020 grand prize recipient of the Idella Scholarship from the Buy From A Black Woman (BFABW) organization. As a business owner, it is important to connect with other successful business owners, so I joined the BFABW community. The COVID collapse has caused those of us in business with vision and determination to push beyond the barriers of the norm and put legs on our dreams—the art of the pivot!  

Personally, I’ve experienced more quality time with my granddaughters, my children, and my parents. I spent a month in Arizona with my parents and took my 88-year-old Mom to a Black-owned winery while I was there. My family and I have made time for weekly Zoom meetings while listening to one another’s plans and goals. I’ve fine-tuned my vision and will continue to push the boundaries.  

Yes, there are silver linings from COVID19. I’ve clarified my life choices, capturing my thoughts in my writing and setting intentions on how to execute my goals. 2020 has conjured up a renewed determination within me to meet my goals and future challenges with success!


In the Blink of an Eye | COVID REFLECTION


Time to get Back to Business | COVID REFLECTION