February 2025 Wellness Resources
Black women’s relationship to caretaking is a complex one. We’re often thought of as reliable, loving, supportive, and nurturing—all admirable qualities. But when and how are we making time to apply these qualities to ensure that we care for ourselves? After all, we can only show up for others if and when we’re well enough to do so.
When Lifestyle Expert, Phyllis Bowie, facilitated the BlackFemaleProject event, My Black Food Justice Story, she reminded us that well-being is about more than just feeling good. Health is wealth, and investing in our well-being is a form of self-love. This month, we invite you to turn some attention toward your health. Are you exercising daily? Are you overdue for a visit to the doctor for a nagging symptom you haven’t addressed? Are you eating enough fresh vegetables? Now is the time! Tap into February Wellness Resources to support your commitment to self-care and good health.
What change could you make today that would benefit your overall well-being?
Consider a time when you’ve invested in your own wellness. How did the investment pay off? What positive impacts did you experience?
How can your community support your ability to consistently commit to self-care?
Click HERE to make a contribution and receive a printed calendar. With a donation of $50, you will receive our 2025 print calendar (6" x 6") as a gift from us. Share with others, or place the calendar on your wall, desk, or vision board for inspiration all year long.