December 2023 Wellness E-Blast
When you create the space to imagine beyond the day-to-day grind and the need to simply keep up, what possibilities can you dream up for your life? This month's Wellness Calendar resources invite you to tap into the expansiveness of your imagination.
December 2023 Wellness Resources
As the season of coming together, acting generously, and expressing gratitude continues, we’re feeling especially grateful for the Black women who came before us—the women whose stories continue to serve as lamp posts as we navigate our own journeys.
November 2023 Wellness Resources
Whatever space we step into, Black women bring our unique and innovative flair along with us. We’re known for crafting creative solutions and figuring out how to call in abundance when resources seem limited.
Teacher Truth Perspectives — Reflections From the Research Team
Teacher Truth Perspectives - Educator Reflections
Teacher Truth Perspectives - Educator ReflectIONS
Teacher Truth Perspectives - Educator Reflections
October 2023 Wellness Resources
One of the most fulfilling aspects of working with BlackFemaleProject is the ways our work culture embodies the values we emphasize through our programming and communications. We know that the best way to inspire the women in our network to believe in a different kind of work life is to model it ourselves.
September 2023 Wellness Resources
All people deserve to have relationships, networks, and workplace environments where they feel comfortable being themselves. For Black women in particular, the importance of identifying spaces where we can show up and add value without dimming or contorting ourselves is vital. As we’re rarely granted the grace to be our full, glorious selves without consequence, BlackFemaleProject curates the spaces we need, and we invite other women to join us in finding refuge.
Mental Agility Resources
Physical Wellness & Nutrition Resources
Financial Security
Artist Resources
Resources For Freedom at Work
Career Opportunities from our Network
Mental Wellness RESOURCES
Member Spotlight: Afiya Williams
I believe in the mission because I am a Black professional woman with my own unique experience. I know we need more spaces in this world that do just this. I believe in the mission because of the Black women that I know who have called in what they need in terms of either support or awareness.
ADBUL-HAQQ KHALIFAH, teacher profile
August 2023 Wellness Resources
There seems to always be an abundance of messages coming at us in terms of how we should show up in the world. In this context, where there are perceived rewards for adhering to social expectations and norms, it takes intentional effort to operate from our own centers.
Member Spotlight: Debrah Giles
My industry is philanthropy, and my expertise is youth development and cultural arts. I’m a program director at East Bay Community Foundation, where I lead our strategy around racial justice and equity, centering cultural arts.